Project updates
nerves_system_br, v1.27.0
This update pulls in Buildroot 2024.02. This is a major Buildroot update.
Nerves systems need the following updates:
- For Raspberry Pi systems
using libcamera, the version that comes with Raspberry Pi OS has diverged from upstream libcamera. To use it, replace BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA_*=y with BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_LIBCAMERA_*=y.
- The Raspberry Pi applications for libcamera also changed. Replace BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA_APPS=y with BR2_PACKAGE_RPICAM_APPS=y. The upstream package is called rpicam_apps. libcamera_apps was the old name.
- Add explicit check
for $TMPDIR to fix a regression on MacOS 13 with v1.26.1. Thanks to @schrockwell.
Package updates
System updates
Raspberry Pi
- Add back CONFIG_RASPBERRYPI_GPIOMEM to support the dht library.
- Linux 6.1.73 (Raspberry Pi 20240124 release)
- The libcamera and rpicam_apps packages have been replaced with the Raspberry Pi-forked versions for better compatibility. Please see nerves_system_br release notes.
nerves_system_rpi5, v0.2.0
nerves_system_rpi4, v1.27.0
nerves_system_rpi3a, v1.27.0
nerves_system_rpi3, v1.27.0
nerves_system_rpi2, v1.27.0
nerves_system_rpi0, v1.27.0
nerves_system_rpi, v1.27.0
Other systems
nerves_system_mangopi_mq_pro, v0.9.0
nerves_system_vultr, v0.24.0
nerves_system_x86_64, v1.27.0
nerves_system_osd32mp1, v0.18.0
nerves_system_bbb, v2.22.0
nerves_system_grisp2, v0.11.0
Enabled WPA3 support in wpa_supplicant. WPA3 won’t work, but specifying it in a configuration won’t crash the supplicant.
nerves_livebook, v0.12.3
- Update Nerves systems to nerves_system_br v1.27.0 (Erlang/OTP 26.2.3, Buildroot 2024.02)
- Switch back to WPA2-only WiFi support with VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure/2 to fix issues on BBB and GRiSP2
- Fix regression that prevented WiFi networks from being provisioned on the MicroSD card
- Removed srhub target due to perceived lack of use. If this is not true, please open an issue and we’ll
include it again.
- Update all dependencies to latest versions
circuits_quickstart, v0.10.1
Fix logic for detecting unconfigured WiFi networks
circuits_quickstart, v0.10.0
- Update Nerves systems to nerves_system_br v1.27.0 (Erlang/OTP 26.2.3, Buildroot 2024.02)
- Switch back to WPA2-only WiFi support with VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure/2 to fix issues on BBB and GRiSP2
- Fix regression that prevented WiFi networks from being provisioned on the MicroSD card
Non-system releases
Show backend options via backend_info/0 so that it’s possible to see whether you’re using CDev test mode or not.
iex> Circuits.GPIO.backend_info() %{name: {Circuits.GPIO.CDev, [test: true]}, pins_open: 0}
vintage_net_wifi, v0.12.5
- Revert support for WPA3 with VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure/2. It caused way too many issues on some Nerves devices. The default is WPA2 like old times. Raspberry Pis, BBBs, and GRiSP2 don’t support WPA3 with their built-in WiFi modules so this may not impact you.
- Support use of WPA3 via an application environment option. See VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure/2 for details.
vintage_net_wifi, v0.12.4
- Added VintageNetWiFi.network_configured?/1 helper function for checking whether a WiFi connection to another computer is possible or just scanning for access points.
- Added VintageNetWiFi.qr_string/3 to create QR Code-encodable strings for easily sharing network credentials.
- Added experimental VintageNetWiFi.capabilities/1 to query WiFi driver and wpa_supplicant capabilities. This can be used to check WPA3 compatibility, support for 5 GHz channels and more. It’s experimental since the information is currently very raw.
ring_logger, v0.11.2
Don’t crash when logging corrupt data. This is not common, but can caused when logging output from system commands
circuits_sim, v0.1.0
Initial release
shoehorn, v0.9.2
Improve error message when an OTP application isn’t found when building the OTP release script. It’s usually due to a dependency typo or wrong targets spec, so point to that.